Monday, March 28, 2011

On "choosing" homosexuality

I've always wondered about people who talk about homosexuality as a choice. I figure the heterosexuals I know didn't wake up one morning thinking "you know, I've thought about it a lot and I've decided I'm going to like ___ (whatever the opposite is). " And, knowing they didn't really decide, I've wondered why people talk about homosexuality as a choice. "you know, I've thought about it a lot and being a homosexual seems like a fantastic idea. People I don't know will write hateful things, I might get beat up, I can be fired/denied housing/kept from my loved ones (depending on what state I live in). Religious leaders will speak out against me. What a great idea. Yeah. I'll do that." And then, the older I got, the more I heard and read about folks who were rabidly anti-gay being gay. And it really got me to wondering. You're growing up, you see that you won't go to heaven, you hear bad things about homosexuals and maybe some folks really do decide, "you know, I'm going to be a heterosexual" because being who they really are is so frowned upon. And that realization made me sad for the folks who speak out so forcefully against homosexuality. At another level it made me kind of angry because their hatred of who they were didn't just stop there but kept going as those in positions of power spoke out against civil rights for lbgt folks.

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