Sunday, March 27, 2011

Let's just start out being controversial. That'll be fun.

Thoughts on the culture wars. This time, abortion. Went for a drive to town yesterday (bigger deal than you think. I live in the boondocks. It's more than 70 miles to the nearest Target). Saw, as I always do, some billboards. Saw several on the theme around "Life begins at conception." Honestly, I'd be a lot more enamored of the cause if seemed like folks cared about society helping the kids after they were born. But Republican legislatures nationwide are trying to balance budgets on the back of education. States are making it harder for poor kids (and their parents) to be eligible for lower-cost (or just flat out available) health plans. Before they're born, babies are "precious". After they're born, "well, [parental unit] shouldn't have had sex if (s)he wasn't ready to be a parent" or something like that. I really, really don't like the idea of abortion. But I also really, really don't like the idea that the minute they're born we, as a society, don't care about them anymore. Either babies matter or they don't, but if we're going to stick our noses into someone's business (by saying they can't/shouldn't have an abortion) we ought to be willing to stick our noses in and help that baby and mother get to a safe, healthy, and educated adulthood.

Oh yeah. Here's an interesting link on the subject of abortion and Republican obsession with it:

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