Saturday, November 19, 2011

When do heterosexual soldiers have to shut up about their relationships?

Never? That's exactly as it should be. Whether someone in the military is in a relationship or not shouldn't be my business (unless of course the relationship is with a spy or something like that).

The way that Republicans are obsessed with gay relationships is kind of creepy. The way they'll boo a soldier who's put his life on the line for the rest of us is downright unpatriotic.

Friday, November 18, 2011

My Big Gay Agenda

Take a shower. Go to work.

You Christian heterosexuals who want to deny me rights scared yet? oooh.. She's going to go to work. Be afraid be very afraid.


What does it say when hating a group more is important to being president

Thanks for nothing Rick Santorum. I pay taxes. I have a job.  I have health insurance (not through the government like medicare folks). And yet, you think denying people like me rights more fervantly than your competition makes  you more qualified to be president. Thanks for nothing.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Gay Agenda

Let's see. Need to brush my teeth and otherwise get ready for work. We're in the middle of a charitable campaign, so probably going to attend a fundraiser for the charity sometime. Might go for a walk with some co-workers at break. Oh, yeah, gotta blog a little and check out an ebay auction (bidding on a sports card doncha know). probably have to walk the dogs again later today - they're too lazy to figure out how to open the door by themselves. Will probably pet the cat sometime, too. The air here is really dry as the season changes so might have to pick my nose or something when no one's looking. Just yelled "vinegar" at one of the dogs. He likes to jump over the baby gate and root around in the cat boxes. I think it's disgusting so I yell "vinegar" which to him means get back on this side of the baby gate.

So. That's my gay agenda for today.

Oh great. The cat just hacked up a hairball.

Gotta add to my gay agenda.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm going to move to Michigan so i can bully christians

Ha. Ha. Idiots. If they think the bullying exemption applies only to them and their anti-gay animus they're idiots. If it applies to them, it applies to Muslims and Wiccans and Christians who believe in equal and human rights. And atheists.

Catholic hierarchy are idiots

Look. Some of my best friends are Catholics. I went to Catholic high school (I wasn't raised Catholic). But this is pure and utter idiocy.

Really. They're arguing that unless gay people continue to be oppressed; they'll be oppressed. Really? Unless you can oppress others you're oppressed? That's stupid. I know for a fact that the Catholic church doesn't like to marry a Catholic to a non-Catholic (witness my very good friends. He was divorced; she wasn't; they had to have a civil marriage). So ... taken to the extreme, the Catholic hierarchy should be arguing that only the marriage between two non-divorced Catholics should count. Lots of religious groups don't marry various folks - divorced, inter-faith, etc. Gays aren't any different.

Arguing that you have to be allowed to oppress others is as non-Christian a thing as I can think of. Wait. Molesting little girls and boys, too. But the Catholic church mostly just pretends that doesn't happen.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

When your side has to cheat to get support is God really on your side?

fucking cheating Catholic church. Holding a month's long raffle with 100 gift cards to get people to encourage their friends/neighbors to support discrimination.

Keep your god-damned church out of my marriage.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Don't change the tax rate; just make corporations pay it. Or heck, pay half of it. Any of it?

Wow. A loophole that allows a company to pay a negative tax rate? Let's see. We're at war. We have bridges that need building, students that need educating, elderly (and others) who need medical care ... and on and on. And, instead of focusing on what companies are really paying, Congress is busy having kittens about having the highest corporate tax rate in the world. I'd care if big companies paid it. But they don't. They leave the little companies who can't afford lobbyists or offshoring jobs to pay it.

Thanks for looking after the little guy government.