Tuesday, May 31, 2011

the longer I live the more I can't believe I was ever a Republican

I miss the Republican party of old. The party I thought I knew when I was growing up. The party that I thought represented the best in America. That believed in our exceptionalism. Not the party that played loose and fast with words and money and the American people.

Still, at the rate we're going, the 2012 elections will be fun.

Found Robinson's take on the field in this morning's Washington Post interesting.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Minnesota and its Marriage Amendment

I don't know if you'd call it a guest editorial or a reprinted editorial but the St. Cloud Times opinion editor has a point.

Why, oh why, do we want to impose our religious values on others? Marriage may or may not be a sacrament in various religious faiths, but it's a legal contract. A contract that says two consenting adults are responsible for one another. A contract that say that when one dies, the other gets to determine lots of issues related to the remains and gets to inherit both property and obligations. A contract that says one can visit the other in hospital. Or share COBRA benefits or Social Security benefits or Medicare benefits.

Why do some insist on their right to keep that right from others? Why do some believe they can impose their will, their beliefs, on me?

Bryan Fischer on blasphemy and profanity

Oh, good god. what a fucking idiot.

What a joke of a guy. A basketball team fining someone for their on court (o.k. on the sidelines but, still, during a game) use of ugly language or another employer suspending a host for on-air vulgarities is not the same thing as outlawing the use of bad language.

Um. What happened to the right wing's love of "freedom of speech" they want to (and Bryan Fischer in particular) say the most crass and vulgar things possible about gays and Muslims. But, God forbid someone say "fuck" when they stub their toe or when they're talking about this fucking idiot.

Ecosse - The Heretic - So beautiful it makes me hurt

I love this motorcycle. Have for more than a couple of years. From the minds at Ecosse. 

Pawlenty and Medicare -- don't forget, he'd vote for the Ryan plan

It never ceases to amaze me - the ability of Republicans - to claim they're the only party that cares about people and then to go and pull stunts like this. Why, oh why, can we not afford to care for our seniors - seniors who've been paying most or all of their working lives into medicare - but we can afford, nay must afford, tax cuts for the rich, endless wars to keep oil cheap (how's that working right now? thought so).

If Ryan's plan cut costs, saved money or did anything other than drive business to the private sector so they can make more profit (let's not forget, the private sector is - above all else - about profit), then maybe it'd make sense, but CBO analysis has said seniors will pay a higher and higher share of medical costs and not only that, but that costs will go up.

And, the lamentable - never got a majority - former governor of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, says he'd vote for it. Then again, he did everything he could to screw the working poor while he was governor, so why not.

Does Iowa Matter in 2012? When did it last matter?

My goodness, now that the "end times" are over, the media has all moved to the next fascinating topic de'jour- whether or not Iowa matters in 2012. But if you read the Washington Post article, it hasn't really mattered for a long time. Since 1976 when the party held its first caucus,

"there have been only two instances in which a winner who was not an incumbent has gone on to take the GOP nomination. And only one of those, George W. Bush in 2000, won the White House."

So, a few thousand of the "true believers" go out on a night, argue, and pick the candidate they want. And that candidate doesn't go on to win the White House.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Great - and meaningful - quote from Terry Pratchett's novel Nation

With an illustration by June Gilbank (it's crotchet)

Yes, yes, I realize the turtle and elephants are about Discworld. But, hey, if you don't like it, do your own blog.

Here's the quote:

" ... but then a grandfather bird on the cliff above was throwing up (the ugly-looking things didn't just eat everything, they ate all of everything, and carefully threw up anything that didn't fit, taste right, or had woken up and started to protest), ... "

My beloved Bouvier des Flandres, Pete, died many years ago. I used to say that he'd anything on the general principle that if it wasn't meant to be food he could always throw it up later.

Reading that line in Pratchett's book brought many memories of Pete flooding back. Thanks Mr. Pratchett.

NOM doesn't hate gay people. really. really?

How anyone can watch this video and think NOM only cares about gay marriage is beyond me. They're full of hate. But if we stand up and say that, they accuse us of hate.

Well, you know what, I HATE that you're trying to impose your values on me. I hate that you say that our having rights destroys your freedom of religion. And, yet, somehow, in order to uphold your rights, I must be denied mine.

Go figure.

A woman a gun and a noodle shop

If you haven't seen this film yet, I totally and completely recommend it.

Why did I like it you ask (well, technically, you didn't but here goes ...)

1. Visually stunning
2. as different from Hollywood as any film I've seen lately (yes, it's a remake of Blood Simple. But I never saw blood simple)
3. Visual effects are amazing.
4. Interesting characters
5. for those of us who don't speak the language: subtitles.

It's been cloudy here for too darned long

So here's a home in Point Loma in San Diego. Think sun, fun, and winds that roll by at reasonable speeds! Also, nice boat in the foreground.

Judgment Day hoopla. Medved is clueless

I'm going to go out on a limb and declare Medved wrong.

The Judgment Day hoopla taught us the same thing every other idiotic media "hoopla" teaches us.

1. the media are like lemmings
2. the public has the attention span of a gnat
3. just as in governing, it's easier to report on crap than it is on real stuff
4. any idiot with no matter how small a following can get attention if he screams loud enough (Koran burning minister anyone? or Anna Nicole? or ... ?)


Garrison of Moriah in LEGO(r)

I love building with LEGO(r) but this guy ... his creation is amazing:

Here's a link to an article about it:


I was for it before I was against it

Sound familiar? I remember that being used against John Kerry not that long ago.


Bottom line, it would be simpler and more honest for the Republicans to just admit that "mandates are o.k. as long as they're our idea and benefit corporations/donors/etc. but if a Democrat thinks of them they're horrible, unconstitutional, socialist, communist, fascist and whatever other "ist" we can think of."

"So there."


2012 Presidential Elections

Washington Post asks if voters will get bored of the 2012 elections.

I'm already bored. They started bad-mouthing President Obama approximately 10 seconds after he was declared the victor.

Well, technically, they started bad-mouthing him a long time before that, but that's a different topic.

Love the way the 2010 elections were a "mandate" but the 2008 elections weren't.



Must. Save. Marriage

Oh. No. Married households are outnumbered by non-married households according to the U.S. Census.




Gay people. Don't get married. You're destroying it ...



Saturday, May 28, 2011



Mental Illness and Crime

What happened in Arizona when Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot and several people were murdered at a political event was horrible.

Mental illness can be horrible, too. Loughner, the man accused of the crime, was recently found unfit to be tried. An Article in today's Washington Post "laments" the fact that helping people get well enough to face trial seldom works.

I get that crimes like murder are horrible and that someone being unfit means justice delayed or justice denied. But I don't get how someone who was mentally unfit when they committed the crime can later be made "well" and face trial for a crime committed when they weren't well.

Horrible things happen in this world every flippin' day. Really. Horrible. Things.

I don't know. People died. Grandparents. A young child. It's horrible. But how does making someone who was mentally ill when he committed the crime well, bring anyone back? It doesn't obviously whether the killer (or alleged killer I guess in this case since he hasn't yet faced trial and been convicted) is mentally ill or sane or ... . And how can a "well" person be accountable for the crimes he or she committed when he or she was beyond the reach of sanity.

Sometimes there just aren't any good answers. There's only sorrow.


Palin could help Bachmann. Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh dear.

Bachmann hides in bushes, she doesn't know her history, she doesn't pay attention to her constituents. And Palin running is good for her. Oh. Dear.

I can see space from my house. That must make me an alien.

If you think it, it's real. So says Henry Ford. And Wired Magazine. And Rigoni.

Henry Ford once said "whether you think you can or whether you think you can't you're right."

According to this Wired article on a recent study, he may be right:


But really, isn't it kind of obvious? When I think I can do stuff, I amaze myself with what I'm capable of. When I've decided I can't, or it won't work, or I'm too old, or a woman, or my back hurts, or whatever, I'm capable of accomplishing much less than when I don't realize I'm doing something I shouldn't be able to do.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Former NOM supporter now standing up for marriage equality.

Thanks Louis Marinelli!


I really don't like to call myself a "Democrat" I disagree with a lot of their big government ideas. But I'm surely not a Republican anymore and haven't been for many years. I don't understand why Republicans - oh ye of the small government, folks taking care of themselves, etc. - don't think that applies to gay people or to women.

Louis Mrinelli was very involved with NOM (National Organization for Marriage) and was on their bus tour in the summer of 2010 (he says he ran it, NOM says he didn't. But it's in their interest to say that, and he was all over the place). And now, he recognizes the difference between civil rights and religious rites.

Go Louis!

Republicans, Medicare and 2012

I used to be a Republican. I was a junior delegate to the 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas.
I didn't leave the party; it left me.

I just don't understand why we can fund wars and provid oil companies that are making record profit with tax breaks and let American corporations ship American jobs overseas and did I mention funding wars?

But when it comes to taking care of those who've given their lives to this country, the GOP wants the private sector, which is out for profit, to take over Medicare. They want the government to not only pay less and less, but folks to pay more and more.

Oh yeah, they want the rich to have tax cuts.


Are Minnesota voters stupid? Some legislators think so.


I don't know. I voted for the amendment. I figured it was a way to protect the arts while the government was busy trying to take everything away except money for wars and money to give the rich tax cuts. Heck, I'd vote on a "legacy" style amendment to repair the damned roads. And start funding schools again. And help the poor with medical care. Why is it legislators think they don't need our input for things like wars, tax breaks for corporations and the rich, and that when our opinion is asked, we're idiots.

By the by, does that mean if voters approve the no gay marriage amendment they didn't know what they were doing?

More fun with the Periodic Table of Elements


Plus, this song by Tom Lehrer again:

suppose a woman was using a cell phone

would we still be excited about this so-called right to privacy if a woman dared use a cell phone to call a doctor who provided abortions or to find out where her nearest Planned Parenthood clinic is (never mind the fact that a large percentage of what PP does has nothing to do with abortion).

Why is it we're so hell bent on protecting smokers and gun owners and cell phone owners rights but we're all over taking away rights from women and denying (or taking away depending on where you live) rights from gay folks?


Rick Santorum

A frothy mix of unending hate


Here's one reason why:








Gay people pay taxes, hold down jobs, own homes, buy stuff (and thus keep the economy humming), take care of their parents when they're elderly, eat breakfast, wash dishes. Gay people do the same flipping things that non-gay people do. And yet, folks like Frothy Mix feel the need to diminish and demean us.

Bachmann and Iowa

We dare not raise taxes on the rich.
We dare not raise (or actually make them pay) taxes on big corporations
Leave oil companies alone
Continue to fight never-ending wars (and, hey, why not a few new ones while we're at it)


Allow gays to marry and have the same legal rights and obligtions and heterosexuals?
Allow women the right to privacy?



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Proof that the anti-gay marriage ammendment has nothing to do with "marriage"

The folks working really, really hard to deny gays their civil rights really want to deny us our humanity.


A dog or a cat or a goat or a pet rock can't consent to a sexual relationship and/or marriage. Neither can a child. Claiming that's what's next is wrong. It's evil. Folks used to say the same sort of thing about interracial marriage. Just. Cut.It. Out.

A victory for sanity - Bradlee Dean out of Walmart and off the radio (for now anyway)

Blather on all you want about freedom of speech, but folks like Bradlee forget that their freedom doesn't (or oughtn't at any rate) negate my or anybody else's freedom of speech. By speaking out to deny gays basic civil rights, comparing the President of the United States to an evil, evil terrorist and all the rest of his load of bull ought to have consequences.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Comfort in Tragedy

In the midst of tragedy - tornadoes, earthquakes, disease, and so on, it is comforting to know that folks can take their minds off their troubles by focusing their efforts on abortion and gay marriage. Minnesota doesn't even have a fucking budget yet, but folks are going to be voting on a constitutional ammendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman in 2012. Here's hoping that means fuckheads who get divorced can't remarry. after all, that'd be one man and one woman and then a man and no woman and then a man and a second woman. FUCKERS.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

After that last post, I feel like I need a song.

Bradlee Dean. Let's just drive home the point, shall we?

Here's Bradlee on how Obama and Osama are the same:

Here he is on gays:

Here's another clip:

There. Now the next time a Minnesota politician wants to have him at an event they have one (ha! three!) fewer excuses to say they "didn't know." I've known about this idiot since 2004.

Minnesota House on Friday May 20, 2011

Just in case you missed the apologies/anger afteer anti-gay "preacher" Bradlee Dean was allowed on the floor.

Or this:

Hope There's Someone - Antony and the Johnsons

Because everyone should hear this song at least once in their lifetime.

Bradlee Dean at the Minnesota House. Really? Really?

The Minnesota House went all nuts yesterday after a prayer in which anti-gay "preacher" Bradlee Dean invoked Jesus (so, really, not non-denominational) and the president's alleged non-Christianity.

The guy who invited him claimed he'd never heard of him. Question: does the guy who invited him live under a rock?


Well, that article in Mother Jones was published on May 17, maybe he missed it.  Let's look some more.


Well, that's from City Pages and it was in mid-2010 after all, so maybe that was too long ago.


Let's see, that was 2010, too.

But really this is getting old. All I did was Google "Bradlee Dean" and in a matter of seconds numerous articles on Bradlee Dean, his ideas about homosexuals, controversy about his "bait and switch" methods for getting his group You Can Run But You Cannot Hide into schools and others appeared. I didn't have to do anything fancy. I just Googled his name. It took seconds.

Are we really supposed to believe it was a coincidence that this dude in a tracksuit gave the opening prayer in the Minnesota House ON THE DAY they were expected to vote to put a constitutional amendment re: no gay marriage on the 2012 ballot.

Right. I've got a really cool bridge for sale, too.

Friday, May 20, 2011

If civil rights are a popularity contest

For the first time ever, a majority favors gay marriage. Because really, civil rights have always been a popularity contest. Women and the right to vote for instance. Interracial marriage. Integrated schools. And so on. All were about the majority being "o.k." with the minority having rights. Oh wait. That's not right.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hey everyone! Let's protect marriage.

Hey! gays are destroying the sacred institution of marriage. Right? Let's protect marriage from the gays.


Wait. That wasn't about gays wrecking a marriage. Let's try again:


Wait. That might not be about marriage at all. More about men in power taking advantage of female subordinates. Probably some of the men are married, but you never know. Let's try again:


Wrecked marriage. Still no gays though. Where are the gays that are trying to destroy marriage. Let's look again, shall we:


Wait. What? Massachussetts has the lowest divorce rate. But. but ... the gays.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sue's sister dies on Glee

And I cry because so much reminds me of my brother's death. He was a brilliant (really high I.Q.) paranoid schizophrenic who died almost ten years ago. He lived a long way from me but we talked almost every day.

I was so afraid when I walked into the church with my stepmom and a couple aunts and uncles that no one would be there. The place was packed.

Can't say anymore right now.


A family values candidate having to explain his family values? Oh, the horror

O.K. this is hilarious. Family values candidates - folks who want to keep poor women out of Planned Parenthood clinics and deny lgbt people full civil rights - are concerned abou their family's values being put up to public ridicule. Really. Hilarious.


Maybe private lives should be just that. Private. Maybe candidates shouldn't use fear of private lives and private decisions as a way to get folks to vote.

Maybe people should start minding their business.

I don't know; I'm just sayin'

California governor had child out of wedlock

What is it about powerful men and their entitlement - to sex; to pretty, young women; to betrayal of their marriage vows (I know, let's protect marriage by outlawing adultery)?


Is Iowa as influential as it thinks it is?

Who won the Republican caucus in 2008? Anyone? Why on earth does a small state in the middle of the heartland think that it should start the process of picking the final presidential candidates? McCain did not do well in Iowa in 2008.

I really think we need to get to regional primaries. A small state, full of social conservatives (as opposed to true fiscal conservatives - how fiscally conservative can a government that wants folks in my bedroom and in conversations with my doctor really be?) that doesn't "look" or "feel" like America anymore - rural and very white - and probably hasn't in a long time, shouldn't be where good candidates go to die.


Daily dose of ... just dance - fist pumping, jumping up and down - dance

Is heaven a "fairy story" as Stephen Hawkings says?

I don't know. There's something to be said for Hawking's musing that heaven is a "fairy story for people afraid of the dark."

What about an afterlife makes any kind of sense? Do we believe because we're raised to believe? Do we believe because we're afraid that we'll never see our mothers or brothers or friends again and that we didn't get to say everything we wanted to them when they were alive? Are we afraid of nothingness? Do we just need some sort of purpose and getting up every morning to go to work (assuming we're lucky enough to have it) can't possibly be the answer?

I, myself, have a really hard time with organized religion. Oh, I want to believe. I think that I do believe, but I see so much hurt created by organized religion. Folks who use their holy books to oppress others; folks who use their beliefs to justify all sorts of cruelty. And yet.

I've felt my brother's presence many times in the past 10 years. My dad sat next to me in my car while I was on my way to the airport to rush home and say good bye to him (when I got to the airport - almost three hours from my home - I called my step mom to find out where I was supposed to go - hospital or nursing home - and was told by my stepsister's son's then girlfriend that he'd already died while I was on my way to the airport). In the 17 years since her death, I've had countless things happen and thought "I need to call mom and let her know".

My family is as real and present to me now as it's ever been. Why? Because I (desperately) need it? Because they are with me? I think it's probably a little of both - they're with me because I desperately need it. And if that's so (I know, it's merely conjecture) then how is that so unless there is something out there that we don't - or can't - understand using scientific observation?

Lots of questions; no good answers. Interesting interview with Stephen Hawking in The Guardian:


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

They're called stereotypes for a reason folks

One more time everyone

Jews are not all bankers or in control of Hollywood or whatever

Germans aren't Nazis and a lot of them aren't Blonde or beer drinkers or whatever

American Indians don't live in teepees, they're not all getting rich off casinos and they're not all drunks or whatever

Not all gays are fabulous or fit or softball players or whatever.

Muslims aren't terrorists any more than Lutherans are cannibals because of Jeffrey Dahmer. Yes, some folks who claim Islam as a religion have done some horrific things but most are just trying to live their lives and probably want to be left alone so they can do so.

Now, I'll grant you, there are probably Jewish bankers and Hollywood producers and there are probably more than a couple beer-drinking, blonde Germans. And some Lutherans turn out to be serial killers and some lawyers are horrible and some husbands kill their wives and some women kill their children.

And there sure are some fabulous, fit LGBT types.

But there are some jerky, unfabulous types in any community and there are good, hard-working people in any community.

Really, stereotypes are horrible and labelling your neighbors bomb makers is beyond the pale.

Why is it we can see that not all Lutherans are cannibals, but it's somehow o.k. to label Muslims as terrorists or gays as pedophiles (different think altogether, really).


Everything old is new again

I remember being a junior delegate to the Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas, in 1984. I was young, idealistic, and rather naive, but that's another story.

Newt Gingrich was new on the scene (to me anyway). He had vision. He seemed to me like someone who was going to lead the party into the future.

And then, he started being a hypocrite. I guess we all are at some level. But someone who was new and neat in 1984 as the star of the Republican Party in 2011?

Something is wrong with this country. When a bombastic fool who cheated on his wives while lambasting the president for cheating and lying about it (hmm, Gingrich did too), when someone who's really only to complain about the current president using words like "birth certificate" we have a problem.

There are a number of things Obama has(n't) done that I don't like, but calling him a comunist or socialist or secret Russian or Kenyan is just playing on fears.

Also, this:


Either the debt limit matters or it doesn't. It can't just matter if gays have rights.

Seriously, if folks really care about the debt limit (and the international insanity that would follow if it isn't raised) they should care whether or not gays have rights and/or can serve openly in the military. Either they're fiscal conservatives/constitutionalists (whatever that means) or they're really social conservatives dressed in funny clothes.

I really love the part where alleged (and I do mean "alleged") small government folks only want the government out of my pocketbook. They want the governement all over my personal body and in my bedroom. Gross. If the governement doesn't belong in my pocketbook (and I'm not convinced that it doesn't thank you very much) it sure as hell doesn't belong in my bedroom.

The real reason we need marriage equality

When rights can be given and taken away on mere whims, we have a civil rights issue in this country.

I find it amusing - at some level - that the same folks screaming about the "dangers" of Islam and Sharia law are the same ones who want to impose their version of religion on the rest of us. So. In summary. Imposing my religion on others "good". Imposing another's religion "bad." How 'bout we just keep religion out of politics?


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Who knew - gays responsible for country's deficit -- to arms everyone; to arms

I started laughing out loud about half way through this article when members of a tea party group yesterday started blaming the nation's debt problems on acceptance of homosexuality.

I'd say gays are actually helping the country's debt situation. After all, our survivors aren't entitled to Social Security benefits. Money saved. We can't leave money directly to our "spouse"/spouse when we die, so the state (if it wants it) and the federal government (believe me, it wants it) get to take a chunk that they wouldn't if we were leaving money to an opposite gender spouse. We can't get COBRA benefits from our spouse's workplace (i.e. if we lose a job, our spouse's company won't take on our health insurance - unless they want to; in which case it's a taxable event) so business saves money to which has an impact on their taxes which trickles down to us lowly taxpayers. Right? No? Oh well.


Jesus loves me yes I know, for the Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me yes I know, for the Bible tells me so.

Goodness, I remember singing that song when I was a kid. More than once, I've caught myself humming it whilst walking down the street or cleaning house or whatever.

I don't know. Maybe Jesus does love me. The rest of you Christians? Not so sure anymore. 

The advertisement above was rejected by Sojourners, an allegedly (I believed it until I saw the open letter to Wallis re: Sojourners rejection of the ad) progressive Christian site/magazine.

Maybe the lyrics of that song should be changed to something like:

"Jesus loves me yes I know except if I'm gay or brown ('cause if you're brown, you're probably illegal -- even though I grew up around folks of Mexican-American heritage who's families had been in this country longer than my own, white family, being brown these days doesn't seem all that great either) or something else that's not in favor right now."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Periodic Table of Elements set to song ... and animated!

Tom Lehrer's Elements song is a great way to learn (most) of the Periodic Table of Elements.

Here's a fun video someone did to animate the song:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

cell phone tracking - bad - feeling me up before I can board a plane ?

You know, I find it hilarious (but not in a "ha ha" kind of way) that a government that thinks it's o.k. to have warrantless wiretaps, make note of who I'm sleeping with so they can determine whether I have federal rights (DOMA), wants to make harder and harder for a woman to have control over her own body, is suddenly appalled that wireless and internet companies want to know where I am so my phone can talk to a cell tower or they can advertise something to me. Now, I don't like all the tracking, but I thinks hypocritical to get panties in a bunch about that but hang out in my bedroom and feel me up when I want to fly on a plane.

Here's a link to an article on Congress "scrambling" to save me from Internet and wireless companies:


Now, when are they going to pass a bill saving me from them?

Today is free comic book day!


Friday, May 6, 2011

How many gays?

Because everyone must see this before they go out and vote on civil rights for minorities.

Really. Gay marriage isn't about religion. It's about government and civil rights. It's not about belief systems. It's about Social Security (yes, even gay people pay into the system), it's about leaving money behind when you die (if a member of a man/woman marriage dies, the other inherits without tax consequences. if a member of a man/man or woman/woman marriage dies, the survivor is treated like a stranger and is taxed! Can you say "death tax"? How comes those are always bad, except for gay people?)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


This is an absolutely incredible Turkish song that I discovered a few days ago. Love the beat; the message is fun.

Here's a link to a site with the lyrics translated into English:


Life is so often too serious. Take a break from the political fighting, wars, deprivation and just enjoy the beat.