Saturday, May 7, 2011

cell phone tracking - bad - feeling me up before I can board a plane ?

You know, I find it hilarious (but not in a "ha ha" kind of way) that a government that thinks it's o.k. to have warrantless wiretaps, make note of who I'm sleeping with so they can determine whether I have federal rights (DOMA), wants to make harder and harder for a woman to have control over her own body, is suddenly appalled that wireless and internet companies want to know where I am so my phone can talk to a cell tower or they can advertise something to me. Now, I don't like all the tracking, but I thinks hypocritical to get panties in a bunch about that but hang out in my bedroom and feel me up when I want to fly on a plane.

Here's a link to an article on Congress "scrambling" to save me from Internet and wireless companies:

Now, when are they going to pass a bill saving me from them?

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