It never ceases to amaze me - the ability of Republicans - to claim they're the only party that cares about people and then to go and pull stunts like this. Why, oh why, can we not afford to care for our seniors - seniors who've been paying most or all of their working lives into medicare - but we can afford, nay must afford, tax cuts for the rich, endless wars to keep oil cheap (how's that working right now? thought so).
If Ryan's plan cut costs, saved money or did anything other than drive business to the private sector so they can make more profit (let's not forget, the private sector is - above all else - about profit), then maybe it'd make sense, but CBO analysis has said seniors will pay a higher and higher share of medical costs and not only that, but that costs will go up.
And, the lamentable - never got a majority - former governor of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, says he'd vote for it. Then again, he did everything he could to screw the working poor while he was governor, so why not.
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