Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Everything old is new again

I remember being a junior delegate to the Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas, in 1984. I was young, idealistic, and rather naive, but that's another story.

Newt Gingrich was new on the scene (to me anyway). He had vision. He seemed to me like someone who was going to lead the party into the future.

And then, he started being a hypocrite. I guess we all are at some level. But someone who was new and neat in 1984 as the star of the Republican Party in 2011?

Something is wrong with this country. When a bombastic fool who cheated on his wives while lambasting the president for cheating and lying about it (hmm, Gingrich did too), when someone who's really only to complain about the current president using words like "birth certificate" we have a problem.

There are a number of things Obama has(n't) done that I don't like, but calling him a comunist or socialist or secret Russian or Kenyan is just playing on fears.

Also, this:

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