Thursday, August 11, 2011

Meanwhile Santorum (quick, google him) compares gay marriage to napkins ... or something

"This is a napkin. I can call this napkin a paper towel, but it is a napkin," Santorum declared at the local Hy-Vee grocery store.

"You can it whatever you want but it doesn't change the character of what it is to the metaphysical," he continued. "Now we can call it marriage but doesn't make it marriage," Santorum concluded, shaking the napkin in mid-air.

Santorum's metaphors go beyond paper products. The former senator has also used a water versus beer analogy to make his point. In a video from the Des Moines Register posted on C-SPAN today, Santorum said marriage is like a glass of water, not beer.

"It's like saying this glass of water is a glass of beer. Well, you can call it a glass of beer, but it's not a glass of beer. It's a glass of water. And water is what water is. Marriage is what marriage is," said Santorum , who defines it as a union between a man and woman.

In another appearance Tuesday, Santorum delivered a more muddled message on the issue, reports NBC's Alex Moe. First he told voters, "We can't have 50 marriage laws in this's not equal treatment under the law." But moments later, he said he would not seek to tell states what to do despite his opinion: "I'm against gay marriage but you know I'm not going to tell the states what to do."

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