Friday, September 30, 2011

Texas sonogram law is just more bullshit

If the idiots who are "pro-life" were really pro-life, they'd be arguing really hard for health care for children post birth. and for education and and and. but they're not. they're just idiots.

Newt Gingrich needs to read the F*^^ng Bible. IDIOT

According to Newt Gingrich, when asked about gay marriage:  "I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. It has been for all of recorded history and i think this is a temporary aberration that will dissipate."

Fucking liar. Even in the Bible there are many stories of polygamy. Marriage used to be a legal contract where a man got to own a woman and her property.

Fucking serial adulterer.

I have lost all respect for fucking liars like fucking Newt Gingrich who tell LIES in order to hurt their fellow citizens.

fucking liar.

Googling Santorum.

This just never gets old:

Family Research Council defends bigoted clerk

Curious. Would they defend a clerk who wouldn't provide a license to two Mormons because of her "sincerely held" religious beliefs? Or two Muslims? Or a black guy who wanted to marry an Asian woman?

Would they defend a gay or lesbian clerk who didn't want to marry two heterosexuals because of "sincerely held" religious beliefs?

How about a Muslim clerk living out his or her faith on the job who didn't want to marry a Baptist and a Catholic (or any other combination of folks)?

I'm guessing not.

Let's see. Constitution doesn't apply to: Muslims, Mormons, gays, and who exactly else

Why the heck does Bryan Fischer even have a radio show anymore? And why is he a featured speaker at an upcoming Republican candidate event?

Um. Really? Guess the Constitution only applies to white, landed men. How convenient for them. How bogus for the rest of us.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Catholic bishop - we must discriminate against gays to prevent discrimination against Christians.

Really? You idiot. You demand continued discrimination of a minority?

How fucking Christ-like of you.

"He also argued that traditional marriage is best for society, and that treating gay marriage as a civil right would lead to discrimination against believers and against church agencies that could not, for example, accommodate gay couples as adoptive parents."

Halloween = devil worship

It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Everyone just get a grip. Halloween is no more about Satan than Christmas is about Santa. Or is that Jesus? I can never keep that straight. Especially when I'm supposed to hear "merry christmas" when I go shopping anytime between October and Jan. 1. 'Cause Jesus was all about presents. Right? Right.

If being opposed to bullying is a liability for a Republican candidate this country has a problem.

And the problem's name is Tony Perkins. Or Rick Santorum. Or any number of other folks who use fear and lies about their fellow citizens to get people to vote and/or give them money.

Bachmann on Cuba - You just can't make this stuff up.

Oh, wait. You can.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Santorum says no sex in the military

Um, What the fuck are you going to do about all the heterosexual soldiers having babies? Chastity belts? Mandatory condoms? They can only do "santorum" because that doesn't count as sex?

What the fuck are you some kind of fucking idiot?

I'm gonna go Google and Bing your name about six more times. You are one sick bastard Santorum.

You know what Santorum? I'm googlin (and Binging) your fucking name.

Fuck him and his gays want special rights CRAP FEST. Gay soldiers didn't get any special rights with the repeal of DADT. Unless you consider being allowed to fucking die for your country some kind of special right.

It wasn't about sex you fucking pervert. It was about people who could be blackmailed. People who could be "outed" by others and fucking kicked out of the fucking military and no longer allowed to serve their (our, my, your) country.

I hope your frothy mix definition follows you forever.  Your great grandchildren can be embarrassed about their fucking hateful ancestor.

Dear Tea Party Republicans, How FUCKING DARE YOU Booing an active duty soldier

You know, this is getting ridiculous.

I have several cousins who serve in the military. More than a couple of them are in harms way. No, they're not gay, but they're fighting along men and women who are. They're doing something I've never done (I tried; I couldn't; I had a medical condition) and that most people in any audience not on a military hasn't done ...

They're putting their lives on the line to follow government policy and to keep us safe.

How fucking DARE they boo an active duty soldier for asking a respectful question.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hey Santorum has a Bing and Yahoo! problem, too.

No seriously, check it out.

hee hee hee

Santorum whines about his Google problem

But, has apparently forgotten why he has one. You can't say mean and hateful things in the internet age and not pay an internet price.

Also, if Google is going to start editing my search results then I don't trust them anymore. As Google says, it's a search engine.

All the idiot boy does when he brings up his Google problem is reinforce said problem.

Don't believe me? Google Santorum and see for yourself.

hee hee hee

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Don't Ask Don't Tell" may be over but we still have a long way to go

Not having to hide sexual orientation (i.e. being able to say "Bill and I" if you're a guy or "Betsy and I" if you're a woman) has not brought equality to the military or any other facet of life in this country.

Gay peoples' spouses still aren't entitled to Social Security survivor benefits.
Gay people still can't file federal (or in most cases state) income taxes together
Even when a company allows a GLBT person to put their spouse/partner on their healthcare benefits, it's a taxable event. Hey 'ros it's not taxable to you!!
Gay partners in most states can't be part of civil suit when their gay partner is murdered
Gay people can't inherit estates the way 'ros can.

and on and on.

DADT does nothing for me as I couldn't be in the military. I still want equal rights or a god damned fucking lower tax rate.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Leno confronts Bachmann

He does it nicely.

I'm curious, if marriage has "always" been what Bachmann says, how to explain all the changes over the years. Like, for instance, women being able to own property. Or interracial marriage. Or black being able to be married without their "owners" (God, slavery was horrible. writing that word just about made me throw up) approval.

Stupid Netflix doesn't do its stupid homework in coming up with Qwikster

Oh, my god, this is funny. Qwikster on Twitter is a pot smoking Sesame Street dude.

What a bunch of maroons over at Netflix. Until today, I was a satisfied Netflix customer. Not anymore.

Orly Taitz speaks Hebrew and Spanish; qualified to be U.S. Senator.

This is gonna be fun!!!!

Hey AFA I thought God was going to fix everything.

The folks at AFA are weird. God fixes everything but water shortages I guess. Maybe it's "the gays" fault?

Proof that you don't need "the gays" to destroy marriage

You just need a really disturbed person willing to murder his wife and bring trauma and horror to others.

One more reason, in the middle of a horrific crime, that gay rights matter

Somehow, it's just not bad enough that this guy was brutally murdered, now, the love of his life is suffering even more.

Conservatives need to quit pretending that gay folks aren't capable of "real" relationships. These two were together longer than my own man/woman parents.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bachmann and HPV vaccine

Just a thought. Given how horrible cervical cancer is and the fact that HPV vaccine can save literally thousands of lives, why, oh why, do we still have to listen to stuff that Bachmann makes up?

The "I never said I was a doctor" excuse is baloney when she tells parents - who also aren't doctors - to make up their own mind when she throws out the made up fact that HPV causes "retardation"

Half the staff working at Focus to destroy the lives of others

As the totally awesome bumper sticker says: "Focus on your own Family"

There's still a lot of hate out there toward gays and Muslims and single mothers and poor people. But, for now anyway, there's going to be a little less hate (wait, no, it's "love" blah ha ha) coming from Focus.

Friday, September 16, 2011

If there is anything LESS Christian than abandoning a spouse with Alzheimer's

Pat Robertson is one sick piece of humanity.

Really, "til death us do part" only counts if your spouse doesn't get sick with alzheimer's?  The man who claims that gays who want to be together is the reason for earthquakes and floods and such, goes DIRECTLY against Christ's teaching that divorce is bad when it's, oh, I don't know, "inconvenient" to stay married?

And these are the Christians we listen to and follow. No wonder I gave up Christianity.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Bachmann making DANGEROUS stuff up

It's one thing to lie when you're hiding in the bushes at a gay rights rally. It's quite another to lie about a vaccine that safes THOUSANDS of lives a year. Diseases we thought were basically wiped out are making a comeback because of the anti-vaccine crowd.

Stirring them up for political gain is dangerous. It's irresponsible. And it's sure as hell not presidential.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Um. What the hell is Torgerson up to?

If a sitting U.S. Congressman can be a radical Muslim in Torgerson's eyes, is there any Muslim who's o.k.? I'm guessing not. Why is any Muslim "radical" but truly "radical" Christians who want to impose their beliefs on others are okey dokey?

Get your stinkin religion out of my public space. I am actually a religious person. I just don't believe your schtick and really don't want you imposing it on me or anyone else. And I really don't think that every (or really very many actually) Muslims are "radical" most of the folks I've met seem to be like everyone else. They want to live their lives, make a living, take care of their families and so on.

Science vs. God or Science and God

It's weird to me that for so many it has to be one or the other. Isn't the fact that the universe is amazing and the fact that we can be amazed by that fact proof enough that science and God are both amazing?

There really shouldn't be any need for idiocy. But here's some anyway:

Quick. Google Santorum.

hee heee hee hee he

How do you violate "freedom of speech" without actually violating freedom of speech

Apparently, Rep. King has figured this out. If I like it, it's o.k. and if I don't it's not. Or something. Who's the "I' that gets to decide? Can it be me?

Science is scary if you let people make stuff up

Gardasil and retardation. Um. No.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I assume James Dobson's injuries are the fault of the gays

God looking after his flock.

disgusting and hateful Catholic priests at it again.

Quit trying your damnedest to make gay people somehow "less than" other humans. We're not all Catholic idiot. Quit imposing your views on non-Catholics. Quit using ancient texts that deny modern realities (i.e. gay people exist). Quit trying to fix people who only need to be loved.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Did the terrorists win?

I don't know. I remember 9-11. And I remember how quickly we came together in the midst of unbelievable tragedy. But 10 years later I think in some ways the terrorists might have won. We've been at war for 10 years. Wars that have cost thousands of American lives. Wars that have cost trillions of dollars. Wars that have brought soldiers home in pieces, destroyed families, ruined lives.

We dutifully take our shoes off to go through airport screening, stand by while toddlers and grandmothers are searched and think we're safe or that if we object we're whiny.

When, really, we've turned on each other. We don't want mosques built, we don't want gays to have rights, we stand by while we continue to kill in foreign parts of the world but object when "liberals" want to spend money on healthcare for women or children or the unemployed.

We accuse the unemployed of being lazy while we ask them to fight to get jobs that pay significantly less than the jobs they lost and ask them to take jobs that don't offer healthcare or whatever.

We demand continued tax breaks for the rich while ignoring the plight of the middle class. We don't want the government funding programs to help the poor 'cause it makes them lazy or something, forgetting that they need to eat too.

We must have spending cuts to make up for costs associated with the worst flooding in years (maybe every?) on the East Coast and have kittens when anyone objects to the human and financial costs associated with our never-ending wars.

I was horrified by 9-11. I watched the news and I watched Congress and the President pull together.

But now? I think the terrorists might have won after all.