Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Don't Ask Don't Tell" may be over but we still have a long way to go

Not having to hide sexual orientation (i.e. being able to say "Bill and I" if you're a guy or "Betsy and I" if you're a woman) has not brought equality to the military or any other facet of life in this country.

Gay peoples' spouses still aren't entitled to Social Security survivor benefits.
Gay people still can't file federal (or in most cases state) income taxes together
Even when a company allows a GLBT person to put their spouse/partner on their healthcare benefits, it's a taxable event. Hey 'ros it's not taxable to you!!
Gay partners in most states can't be part of civil suit when their gay partner is murdered
Gay people can't inherit estates the way 'ros can.

and on and on.

DADT does nothing for me as I couldn't be in the military. I still want equal rights or a god damned fucking lower tax rate.

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