Sunday, April 3, 2011

8: The Mormon Proposition

Watched 8: The Mormon Proposition this afternoon. While one fairly short movie can't (and didn't pretend to) show all the meaning in both sides of the Prop 8 battle in California, I feel like I came away with a better understanding of why Mormon families were so supportive of the effort to pass the referendum. It made me sad, but understanding that the Mormon prophets speak directly to Jesus (and I do apologize for my very rudementary statement of the issue) and that a command to support the effort with means and time means more than I can ever understand made me feel like I could "get" why it was so important.

The thing the movie didn't help me to understand is why the Mormon Church - both in Hawaii in the 90's and again in California - felt that the only way it could protect its' religious beliefs was through the legislative process.

Without any ruling of any kind, lots of people believe in Jesus, or don't believe in Jesus, or go to temples, mosques, churches, synagogues, store fronts in strip malls, etc.

All the folks that are seeking now to have their religious beliefs put into law ... I wonder how they'd feel if a religious belief that was contrary to theirs came into power and sought to overturn their law/beliefs with their own.

I don't know. It makes me wonder.

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