Thursday, March 8, 2012

Barnes & Noble -- idiocy run amok

Well alrighty. This is my third blog posting on Barnes & Noble and my trials and travails surrounding my ill-considered purchase of a membership card 10 months ago.

On Tuesday morning, following months of conversations with my local Barnes & Noble customer, a conversation with their customer service center a week after I got the card, two conversations at the top of my lungs when after 10 months the only e-mail I ever received was regarding the fact that they'd be automatically renewing my membership, a "tweet" to their customer service Twitter account and an e-mail, I received a notification from Barnes & Noble Member Services that they'd cancel my membership account and refund my money.

As of this morning I've received three e-mails from Barnes & Noble telling me about cool deals, specials and dollars off.

I tried to get e-mails like that for 10 months.

And now, after cancelling my membership I'm getting them. And guess what Barnes & Noble. THEY'RE NOT GOING TO MY JUNK MAIL. I told you for 10 months I watch my junk mail. they're not going there. They're coming right to my inbox.




(delete, delete, delete). Without an apology, I'm never setting foot in that store again.

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