Monday, March 12, 2012

I loved John Carter

When I saw the trailer for John Carter I had no interest. I wasn't familiar with the Edgar Rice Burroughs story and I didn't understand why I should be interested in someone who could jump down onto a bunch of weird looking bug things with a sword.

Then I started to read the reviews and they made it sound like a big hot mess. I even re-looked at the trailer on my IPad. Still didn't get the point.

And then on Saturday afternoon my partner decided we should see  a movie. You guessed it. We saw John Carter.

And I was enchanted. It seemed original and fun and fantastic. So much of the movies lately is paying a high price for stupid 3D (we saw John Carter in 2D) designed to get you to pay more, or sequels or remakes. This seemed wholly original to me. I forgot I was watching a lot of motion capture even more quickly than I did watching Avatar.

And the ending? It was magical.

I buy very few movies anymore. I rely on Netflix streaming and their DVDs in the mail. In the end, I own a ton of DVDs/BluRays, bu I've purchased very few in the last year.

John Carter is a movie I will buy and watch again and again.

Thank you for a thoroughly enjoyable movie watching experience.

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