Saturday, October 8, 2011

Romney not a Christian. Who cares? Busy bodies.

Last time I checked there was nothing in the Constitution about the president having any sort of religion or going to religious services some set number of times in a year.

No matter the religion of the president (or lack of religion or life philosophy or whatever) he or she is going to be the president of all Americans. Not just born again Christians or Hassidic Jews or Wiccans or worshippers of the Goddess. Also, not just president of the people who voted for him or her. Not just president of married people or old people or toddlers or white people or striped people.

But all of us. Including folks who majored in history in college, folks who didn't go to college, doctors, lawyers, farmers, factory workers, gay people, straight people, people who don't know what they are, attractive people, not as attractive people, and so on.

To use Romney's religion against him is as un-American as anything I can think of.

If you don't like his policies (I don't) use those against him.

If you don't like his haircut or the style of suit that he wears or whatever, that should be out of bounds. Those things are personal choices. Romney's a Mormon. SO WHAT!!

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