Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thinkin' 'bout birth control and the 2012 presidential election

Um. What? I'm doing what!?!

What part of "it's the economy, stupid" don't the Republicans get?

And how on earth can the Catholic Church claim that it's rights are being infringed unless it can infringe on the rights of others (hey! gays! go away. No marriage for you 'cause we don't believe in it! Hey! women! no birth control for you! 'cause we celibate men don't believe in it!). Um. are they railing against Viagra for men? Thought not. Are they making men go through humiliating tests before they impregnate a woman? No? Those tests are just for "slutty" women? Got it. Who the hell do they think the women are being impregnated by? Pomegranates? If I remember health class it takes a sperm and an egg and I can only think of one place to get the sperm.

Come to think of it, why are Republicans so consumed with private lives when they want government out of everything (except of course wars)? They want fewer regulations on business but they want to be able to do tansvaginal ultrasounds on women? What the hell century is this?

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