Friday, February 24, 2012

Wow. I feel sorry for Orly Taitz.

Um. Wait. No I don't. She was totally and completely unprepared for today's ballot challenge in Indiana. Wow.

I know we live in a free country because people like Orly keeping saying we do, but at what point do we say "enough, you've lost 100 cases, you've been fined thousands of dollars, enough" Court and commission time costs taxpayers money.

If you don't like an elected official you have a really cool option. VOTE. But, remember, other people are voting, too, and, if more people vote for a candidate that you didn't vote for than the one you did, that candidate (the one you didn't vote for or don't like or think looks funny or whatever) wins. And, not liking a candidate's policies or philosophies or whatever doesn't make that candidate a usurper or socialist or communist or fascist or whatever. If the candidate does something ILLEGAl (illegal mind you, not just something you don't like/don't approve of/wouldn't do if you held that office) then, there are remedies. But making up stuff about birth certificates and SSN and so on doesn't cut it.

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