Sunday, June 26, 2011

Religion losing "ugly" again on issue of marriage

I went to church faithfully as a child. And watched as the church ignored my family after one of my mom's suicide attempts.

I went to church faithfully as the pastor had an affair with the organist and they both left town.

And as a local minister's son beat the snot out of my brother because he wanted his bicycle.

And as "good" Christians told me my brother and mother were in hell after they both killed themselves.

I went to church faithfully as my dad's third marriage meant more than my relationship with  my partner.

And as "good" Christians cheated on their wives and husbands and beat their kids and stole from their employers.

And, now, I watch as Bishops declare that marriage as we know it is ruined by the interference of the government. If the Bishops want to save marriage, save marriage. stop divorce, teach husbands to treat their wives well.

I won't be watching faithfully from a church anymore, though.

Article from Commonweal about the Bishops and marriage and young people and homosexual hypocrisy.

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