Sunday, June 26, 2011

The religious right and their obsession with sex

I've long thought it weird that I live in a society that is more o.k. with folks seeing horrifically violent television than a woman's boobs. On the other hand, Europe seems more o.k. with sex and less o.k. with gunfights and knife fights and so on.

We live in a repressed puritanical society that is uncomfortable with discussing sex - hence the fights at all sorts of school board meetings about how sex ed. should be taught - or whether it should be left to being taught at home where parents will ignore it until it goes away - I mean becomes pregnant (or gets someone pregnant).

The religious rights fascination with how gay  men have sex (and linking it to a single act that even heterosexual couples can indulge in) is weird. Just as heterosexuals are about more than sex, so are homosexuals.

Interesting article on a new book by Frank Schaeffer who's parents were intimately involved in the creation of the religious right:

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